Software (series Paid)
This software is used for weighing recording, with the possibility of products identification with use of scanner and labels printing. Balance should be equipped with alphanumerical keyboard and text display, which allows for entering code of weighed product and reading its name from the computer data base.
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This software is used for weighing recording, with the possibility of products identification with use of scanner and labels printing. Balance should be equipped with alphanumerical keyboard and text display, which allows for entering code of weighed product and reading its name from the computer data base. During weighing the following data are recorded: - operator code – weighing number – balance number – date – time – product code – gross weight – tare –customer code-package code. Moreover the optical signalling is possible: too little/okay/too much. Program calculates net weight with respect of tare (pallet or unitary package weight), assigned to the product in the data base. It is possible to view results, print reports and export data to Excel or .txt file. All measurements results are archived.
ETE program cooperates with all scales equipped with ethernet module (eventually RS232 - cooperation with single scale).