Laboratory balances (series Accessories)
Depending on availability, the ZD420d or ZD421d printer works with all models of AXIS scales (the printer is equipped with an optional RS232C module). Individual types of scales differ in the possibility of printing data on labels.
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In scales of ACA, ACZ, ACN, AG, AKA, ALN, AGN, ATA, BTA, BD/TW, BD/TL series, and in platform scales of BA series (equipped with ME-01 meter) the user has the option of printing net and gross weight, tare, scale type, serial number, operator's ID and product's ID (more information can be found in the manuals for particular types of scales).
In all types of scales equipped with watch options, it is also possible to print the date and time.
Scales equipped with the ME-03 meter (special for controlling the labeler) can print: net weight, gross weight, tare weight, product price, value (net*price), expiry date, bar code (EAN13), product or operator name, total mass net and gross, number of packages (number of printed labels), time, four-digit codes, number of pieces (currently displayed), the sum of pieces and unit weight.
When buying a scale + printer set, we check the operation of the set before shipping.